Portrait of Elizaveta Platonovna Yaroshenko (wife of her brother, Vasily Yaroshenko).''Natalia Golovatyuk|Наталья Головатюк''. [https://nikatv.ru/tv/programs/utro-perv ... rn77lc6Swr «Коуч в музее». Дама с кошкой] (
It is on display at the
* ''
* [https://ar.culture.ru/ru/subject/dama-s-koshkoy Дама с кошкой] (Artefact. Гид по музеям России)
* * [https://art-womanity.ru/%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0 ... %BE%D0%B9/ «Дама с кошкой» Николая Ярошенко]
1880 paintings
Portraits of women
Paintings by Nikolai Yaroshenko
Genre paintings
Portraits by Russian artists
Cats in art
Подробнее: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_with_a_Cat